Introducing the 3-step process of harvesting monsters and
tackling mazes.

Raise your buddies to grow up strong
At the ranch, you can power up your buddies by using training
items. Choose the stats you want to increase and train your
buddies just the way you’d like.
Tip: Motivation
About Battles

Command your home-grown buddies on the battlefield
Navigate through dangerous mazes and make your way to the boss.
Guard against enemy attacks by
assembling your buddies,
keep an eye out for opportunities to attack, and have your buddies
charge in to assault the
Tip 1: KOing Enemies

Temporarily KO enemies and create an opening to finish them
Chip away at the enemy’s KO gauge by attacking with your
buddies and by guarding with perfect timing. Once the gauge
reaches zero, the enemy will be temporarily KO’d, giving you
a chance to inflict heavy damage. Send all your buddies out
at once with a Legion Attack to take maximum advantage of
this opportunity.
Tip 2: Unite Blitz & Fusion Summoning
Finish them with Unite and Fusion!
A Unite Blitz, which combines buddies of the same species,
is a special attack that can damage multiple enemies at
once. A Fusion Summon, which fuses all your buddies of
multiple species, is an even stronger attack that damages
all enemies on the battlefield. Make full use of these
skills to gain the advantage in battle.
Tip 3: Fairy Skills
About Elemental Shrines
Elemental Shrine

Strengthen your Fusions by bonding with the Elemental Spirits
Be on the lookout for Elemental Spirits as you progress through
the story. Each time you meet an Elemental and make a temporary
pact with her, you will gain access to more Fusions; increasing
your affinity with the Elementals will enhance your Fusions. You
can give the Elementals gifts or complete their Spirit Trials to
increase your affinity.